Watch home of the brave
Watch home of the brave

watch home of the brave

It would be another three years before President Truman would intergrate the military, but you can't legislate human feelings and emotions and that is where this film should be applauded for it's effort in bringing this issue before audiences that may have never given any thought to the treatment of blacks in this country and it's military. Thoughts on issues concerning the plight of blacks in this country had not been a popular subject on the screen, although blacks had fought in both the first and second world wars and were relegated to segregated units. The statement made by this movie was one that had been slowly gaining momentum in this country after only two generations removed from the civil war.

watch home of the brave

This movie was released in 1949, just four years after the end of WW II, and six years before the Montgomery bus boycott.

Watch home of the brave